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Week Three: Spendy days in Derby and The Co-op is my downfall

Hello and welcome to my low spend year diary where I talk frankly about every penny I spend and how I feel about it. As of July 1st 2023 I am embarking on a low spend year to try and find out what drives me to spend, what I miss and what I could honestly do without. In last weeks post  I finally had a no spend day and started to think about what things I was going to miss this year. This week was always  going  to start off  spenny ... Day Fourteen - July 14th On our way off on our little adventure we make two stops which usually could end up with some spends! Firstly we stop off at the co-op to post a ziffit parcel. I dont always send my books there, I prefer to give them to friends or charity shops but I has a spare box and managed to make around £12 which will go straight to the house savings fund when it hits my account. Send Tom to do it while I stay in the car. Then we have to pop our insurance forms into the vets to get money back from Ernie's poorly paw and find out because
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Week Two: No Spend days, unexpected direct debits and a tax on hope

Hello and welcome to my low spend year diary where I talk frankly about every penny I spend and how I feel about it. As of July 1st 2023 I am embarking on a low spend year to try and find out what drives me to spend, what I miss and what I could honestly do without. If you read last weeks post  you will know that we had a bit of a rocky start. Will it get better in week two? Read on to find out! Day Eight - July 8th So after last weeks lot of unexpected spends Im hoping for a quieter week! Started off with an Iceland shop which was I guess unplanned as we didn't expect to have freezer trouble, BUT the plus side was we managed to save the freezer (yay!) and so haven't had to replace that (£54.30)   also I had to send tom up to Tesco to pick up  some bits for nana along with some more paracetamol for me (£9.64) and once again spent most of the day between the sofa and the bed with my books. Day Nine - July 9th The biggest bill of the month went out today - £895  on rent. I am not

Week One: Off To A Rocky Start

Day One: July 1st I woke up feeling really excited and ready to go. Tom had been out the night before and stopped off at the co-op to pick up some hangover treats (£2.35) and I thought that would be it for the day. Until at about 6pm Ernie decided to limp around the house with a swollen paw. Cue an emergency vets visit, antibiotics, anti inflammatories and painkillers and we were £260.02 lighter. Luckily we have pet insurance, but with £100 excess it still was a bit of a sting. Luckily this came out of our Rainy Day fund, but still, ouch. Stopped off at Tesco on the way home to buy the poorly boy some treats (cat soup is his favourite), ibuprofen for me and some other little bits and pieces magically fell into the basket (£11.28) Day Two: July 2nd Ok, so day two will go much better right? We have planned to have a takeaway tonight so it won't be a no spend day but it should be a lower spend. Start the morning by helping out a lady in the village move some furniture around as she ne

The Low Spend Year July 2023-June 2024

Hello. My name is Charlotte and while I have spent the best part of the last year cutting down on what I am spending, prioritising savings and generally learning to live on less, I haven't really ever kicked the habit of the thrill of buying something in a charity shop, buying more than I really need or just using amazon to get something quickly. I have fallen foul of buying clothes on vinted to try and make myself feel better and then they don't fit right and end up just taking up precious space in my wardrobe. I know that the sensible answer would be to resell them, but as a full time carer who is also trying to get on top of my health issues, I don't need the stress and getting to a post office isn't always easy. So what's the solution?  A No/Low Spend Year I have tried this before and always gone into it almost as a punishment and then when I have slipped slightly I have gone completely off track and ended up abandoning the whole plan. So this time I am going in