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What I miss ... Part One.

One of the things that this Low Spend Year is hopefully going to help me get straight in my head, is what I miss and what things are really worth me spending money on, versus what just eats up my money without too much thought. Already, even though I am not far into the year I have started to think about my life much more in general and what I actually miss now I spend most of my life in the house. If you don't already know I am currently battling some physical and mental health issues while also caring for my Nana with Alzheimers. 

I miss working with people.

In my head I almost have this romanticised idea of when I return to the world of work, following in my husbands shoes of having a work from home job, but I know deep down that this isn't something that would work for me. I am the kind of person that really does find happiness in the service of others and yet with my health issues I don't know how to make this particularly piece of the puzzle fit, but I would really like to eventually go back to working in the NHS - potentially in A&E - but watch this space!

I miss Christmas parties!

This might seem like a really odd thing for a self confessed introvert who likes to be snuggled on the sofa with the cats and a blanket by about 8pm, but I really miss a Christmas Party! Theres something about going out at the end of the year to celebrate a year of hard work in a sparkly dress with a nice 3 course meal! I also miss the associated Christmas things such a the staff Christmas lunch which was never that high quality but I just enjoyed it! I EVEN miss being on shift on Christmas Day and trying to bring a smile to those who would rather be at home.

I miss impromptu days out

Back in the day myself and a fellow blogger Kirstie used to meet in Leicester for brunch or lunch and a mooch around the charity shops and I used to REALLY enjoy it. I need to reach out to her as we haven't been in touch for far too long, but a 20 minute walk to the bus stop and then a 30 minute bus journey without any toilets is just not possible at the moment.
